It is very important to diagnose and treatment of kidney disease. Its not too costly. Mostly people are unaware of basic information about this disease so that’s why they have no knowledge about the symptoms related to kidney problem.They have to suffer dangerous disease due to this ignorance.At the last stage the treatment is very costly which is consisted of dialysis and kidney transplant.In developing countries only 10% people can afford the expenses of this disease.Therefore as early it is diagnosed its is better for the victim.
Symptoms of kidney disease:
There are the following symptoms which are appear in kidney disease:
? Swollen eyes after awaking in the morning
? Low rate of appetite, Navsia vomiting.
? Pass the urine again and again especially at night.
? Feel weakness.
? Pass the urine on bed even after the age of 6 years.
? Starting cramps.
? Severe ache in abdomen and back.
Texture & Design of Kidney:
Every body contains tow kidney both kidney are placed on upper and back side of abdomen (Belly) and they lie on both sides of back bone.They are situated in the part of body. They are situated in the part of body.That’s why no one feel them kidneys are in the form of peas.In adults kidney mostly 10cm long 6cm wide and 4cm in sized.It’s weight is approximately 150gm to 170gm.
Awareness of Disease & its Cure:
When it comes to know that a man is suffered from this disease.Its naturally that’s the diseased man and its family get worried about it. Then they want to know everything about the disease but it is not possible for a doctor that he would explain the dangers before a patient. Kidney is a wonderful part of our body. That keeps our body neat and clean from harmful and poisonous materials and play an important role to remove them from the body.It is the basic function of kidneys to spell out the poisonous elements from the body. Another important functions of kidney is to maintained the blood pressure, Liquid elements and minerals can be balanced through. Although we are born with two kidneys but just one kidney is enough to perform all the body function properly.The two important function of kidney is to remove the poisonous and useless liquid elements from the body and to keep the balance among the water , minerals and chemicals that produce in our body.Kidney produce urine to pass out the harmful and poisonous elements and controls the over quantity.
Why Kidney is Necessary for Body:
We daily eat different kinds and different quantity of foods.There is a variation in the quantity of water, salt and acid in daily use of our body.Kidney performs a pivotal role in cleaning and removing the harmful ,useless and over quantity of materials from the body.It maintains the balance between minerals and chemicals that are produced due to differents foods and liquids.It keeps control the blood pressure.Nearly 1200 ml blood is cleaned in one minute and approximately 1700ml blood in a day is cleaned in kidney.